Royal Ontario Museum Polarised-Light Microscopy Laboratory



Crystal system: Monoclinic
Refractive index: 1.532-1.574
Birefringence: 0.004-0.007 (antigorite), 0.006-0.008 (lizardite), 0.013-0.017 (chrysotile)
Cleavage: chrysotile fibrous, others one perfect
Twinning: occasional
Colour in PPL: colourless to pale green, often oxidizes to red in pottery
Relief: low
Distinction: lower birrefringence than micas, chlorite higher RI
Occurrence: altered ultrabasic rocks, especially from ophiolites
Serpentine - Plain polarised light - Tell Hadidi - Syria
Serpentine - Plain polarised light - Tell Hadidi - Syria
Serpentine - Plain polarised light - Tell Hadidi - Syria
Serpentine - Plain polarised light - Tell Hadidi - Syria

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